La Festa Verdaguer és un festival literari, un festival de creació al voltant de l’obra de Jacint Verdaguer. Un festival que vol transmetre conceptes com poesia, participació i dinamisme, però per sobre de tot vol transmetre l’idea de territori literari.
Per transmetre aquest concepte a través de la nova imatge del festival, hem observat que en l’obra de Verdaguer constantment trobem referències i mencions dedicades a diferents indrets del territori. Queda clar l’amor que sentia per la seva terra i per la natura que hi habita.
Aprofondint una mica més hem observat que precisament quan parla del territori sovint ho acompanya d’aquesta natura, a través d’arbres, plantes, flors, etc.
Aquests arbres, plantes i flors són uns elements que directament porten implicat el significat de pertànyer a un terrtori.
Per crear aquests elements de la natura, ho hem realitzat a través de la pasta de paper feta de poemes de l’obra de Verdaguer. Son elements del territori fets directament amb la poesia de verdaguer. En aquesta pasta de paper s’hi pot veure la textura, les fibres del paper, lletres i paraules de la seva obra escampats de manera espontània i uniforme. Aquest element és el que s’associa directament a la literatura, al llibre, a la poesia. D’aquesta manera també aconseguim la representación de la provinència terrenal.
És una manera de parlar molt directament del territori però d’una forma més subtil i fresca, gràficament parlant.
The "Festa Verdaguer" ( Verdaguer's Party ) it's a literary festival, a creation festival around the Jacint Verdaguer's work. A festival that wants to transmit concepts like poetry, participation and dynamism, but first of all they want to transmit the literary territory idea.
The "Festa Verdaguer" ( Verdaguer's Party ) it's a literary festival, a creation festival around the Jacint Verdaguer's work. A festival that wants to transmit concepts like poetry, participation and dynamism, but first of all they want to transmit the literary territory idea.
To transmit this concept through the new festival image, we notice that in the work of Verdaguer, we constantly find references and mentions dedicated to different territory places. It's clear that Verdaguer loves his land and nature who live on it.
When we go into detail about it, we find he speaks about territory he merges it with nature through trees, plants, flowers, etc.
To transmit this concept through the new festival image, we notice that in the work of Verdaguer, we constantly find references and mentions dedicated to different territory places. It's clear that Verdaguer loves his land and nature who live on it.
When we go into detail about it, we find he speaks about territory he merges it with nature through trees, plants, flowers, etc.
To create these natural elements, we made through the paper pulp made of Verdaguer's poems. These elements are made straightaway from poems of Verdaguer. You can see the texture, paper fibers, letters and words of his work mixed randomly on the paper pulp.
It's a way to talk directly about territory but in a fresh and subtle way.
To create these natural elements, we made through the paper pulp made of Verdaguer's poems. These elements are made straightaway from poems of Verdaguer. You can see the texture, paper fibers, letters and words of his work mixed randomly on the paper pulp.
It's a way to talk directly about territory but in a fresh and subtle way.

making of by: Marçal Ricart
some pictures of the festival