Direcció d'art, fotografia i disseny gràfic per 'Crida!', el nou àlbum de Bonobos. Partint de l'idea de l'acte de cridar, la potència del foc i inspirats amb els mapes topogràfics del territori de la banda, hem creat aquest treball ple de força i color.
Art direction, photography and graphic design for 'Crida!' ('Scream!' in catalan), the new album of Bonobos. Starting from the idea of the act of screaming, the power of fire and inspired by the topographic maps of the home country of the band, we've created this work full of strength and color.
Art direction, photography and graphic design for 'Crida!' ('Scream!' in catalan), the new album of Bonobos. Starting from the idea of the act of screaming, the power of fire and inspired by the topographic maps of the home country of the band, we've created this work full of strength and color.