Identitat visual per FIU BCN, un festival per a joves creatius emergents a Barcelona.
La campanya d'aquest any es basava en el hashtag #quienfuerajoven, i reflexionava al voltant del poder de la joventut i la seva fugacitat. Una de les fonts d'inspiració era la Movida Madrileña, un moviment contracultural que va invadir Madrid i la resta d'Espanya durant els anys 70s i 80s. A nivell gràfic es va utilitzar com a referència l'estètica dels 80s, les consoles de 8 bits, els packagings de cintes VHS, etc.
L'objectiu era, en tot moment, crear un univers visual propi on es barregessin la melancolia d'un passat gloriós i l'esperança d'un futur prometedor. Per tal de fer referència al passat, es va utilitzar el bodegó i el retrat, dos temes clàssics que apareixen pràcticament en tota la història de l'art. Per representar el futur, es va utilitzar una il·luminació artificial i psicodèlica.
Fotografia de Xevi Abril.
Visual identity for FIU BCN, a festival for the young emerging creative people in Barcelona.
This year's campaign was based on the hashtag #quienfuerajoven ("Who could be young!" in english), and it was reflected on the power of the youth and its fleetingness. We take inspiration from La Movida Madrileña, an underground movement that invaded Madrid and the rest of Spain during the 70s and 80s. We take the 80s aesthetics, the 8 bits game consoles, the VHS packagings... as a reference.
The goal was constantly to create a visual universe where the melancholy of a glorious past and the hope of a brighter future mix with each other. To talk about the past, we used the still life and the portrait, two classic themes that apears in almost all the art history. To represent the future, we use an artificial and psychedelic lighting.
The goal was constantly to create a visual universe where the melancholy of a glorious past and the hope of a brighter future mix with each other. To talk about the past, we used the still life and the portrait, two classic themes that apears in almost all the art history. To represent the future, we use an artificial and psychedelic lighting.
Photography by Xevi Abril.

Per tal de tancar la campanya es va invertir el lema del festival i es va crear l'etiqueta #quienfueramayor, tot reivindicant un altre tipus de joventut imprescindible: aquella que es porta a dins. Per portar-ho a una dimensió visual, es va visitar la residència d'avis El Nadal per entrevistar i retratar 9 persones d'esperit jove. Per tal de fer una contribució a la residència i els seus usuaris, es va crear un BigCartel amb 9 cartells a la venda. L'eslògan: "La joventut no és una edat, és una actitud". Fotografia, un cop més, del gran Xevi Abril.
The campaign was closed reversing the motto of the festival and we created the hashtag #quienfueramayor ("Who could be older!" in english), claiming another kind of youth: the one that comes from inside. To take it to a visual level, we visited the retirement home El Nadal and we interviewed and portrayed 9 youthful spirit persons. To contribute to the retirement home and their users, we created a BigCartel with 9 posters on sale. The slogan: "The youth isn't an age, is an attitud". Photography, one more time, by the great Xevi Abril.
The campaign was closed reversing the motto of the festival and we created the hashtag #quienfueramayor ("Who could be older!" in english), claiming another kind of youth: the one that comes from inside. To take it to a visual level, we visited the retirement home El Nadal and we interviewed and portrayed 9 youthful spirit persons. To contribute to the retirement home and their users, we created a BigCartel with 9 posters on sale. The slogan: "The youth isn't an age, is an attitud". Photography, one more time, by the great Xevi Abril.

Faltava idear quelcom per sorprendre el públic durant la conferència sobre la creació de la campanya. Com en tot moviment contracultural, la Movida Madrileña tenia el seu costat obscur, i aquest era el recurrent consum de drogues. Per això vam decidir crear un pack format per un bitllet fals del festival i una bosseta amb sidral (un clar eufemisme de la cocaïna) que els assistents a la xerrada van trobar amagat sota les seves respectives butaques.
We wanted to surprise the audience during our speech about the creation of the campaing. As in all of underground movements, the Movida Madrileña had its dark side, and it was the recurring drug abuse. So we decided to create a pack consisted of one fake dollar bill and one little bag with sherbet dab (a clear euphemism of cocaine) that the attendees at the talk found hidden under their seats.

Finalment es va desenvolupar el disseny de les acreditacions, l'estampació a mà de les totebags (amb disseny del gran Ricardo González aka It's a Living) i el disseny dels braçalets d'accés al festival.
Finally we took care of the design of the accreditations, the handmade stamping of the totebags (designed by the great Ricardo González aka It's a Living) and the design of the festival wristband.
Finally we took care of the design of the accreditations, the handmade stamping of the totebags (designed by the great Ricardo González aka It's a Living) and the design of the festival wristband.