Proposta d'identitat corporativa i vídeo de presentació per Imagine, una fundació que pretén impulsar la creativitat col·lectiva arreu del globus. Nosaltres ho tenim claríssim: tothom, absolutament tothom, porta un creatiu a dins.

Proposal of corporate identity and presentation video for Imagine, a foundation wich aims to promote the collective creativity arround the world. We know this clearly: everyone, absolutely everyone, has a creative inside of them.

Dreamers Imagine Foundation:
Carlos Moser
Isidro Quintana
Mónica Lizariturry

Art Direction:
Ignasi Roviró
Jordi Farrés
Roger Orriols
Xevi Abril

Film Makers:
Arnau Costa
Lorda Crusellas

Original Soundtrack:
Guillem Soler
Actor & Farmer:
Àngel Caralt

Engineering & Technical Support:
Roger Ruiz
Sjædric Moreno

Drone Specialists:
Bruno Cascajo
Joan Lesan
Jordi Pujadas

Partner in Crime:
Xavier Verdaguer

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