Projecte realitzat en el marc del Festival de disseny Blanc 2019. Esfera construïda a partir de residus recollits a la platja de la Mar Bella de Barcelona durant el passat 27 de setembre, coincidint amb les mobilitzacions a nivell global organitzades pel moviment Fridays for Future.
Des de Partee aprofitem per fer una reflexió al voltant del concepte Brut en dos dels seus significats: Brut entès com a adjectiu, com allò que està mancat de netedat, que està corromput, que contamina. Brut entès des de l’àmbit artístic, com un esbós o imatge incompleta i desenfadada que ens orienta de cara al resultat final.
I ja de pas fem net en tots dos sentits: Fa uns dies vam deixar un espai natural millor de com ens el vam trobar i ara passem a net aquesta peça visual. De l’obra feta a mà a un disseny digital, de l’espai tridimensional a les dues dimensions, del brut al net.
Project made within the framework of Blanc Design Festival 2019. Sphere built from waste collected on the Mar Bella beach in Barcelona on September 27th, coinciding with the global mobilization organized by the Fridays for Future movement.
From Partee we take the opportunity to reflect on the catalan concept of "Brut" in two of its meanings: "Brut" ('dirty' in english), understood as an adjective, as something that lacks cleanness, that which is corrupt, that defiles. And "Brut" (also 'sketch' in english) understood from the artistic level, as an incomplete and carefree sketch or image that guides us towards the end result.
And in the meanwhile, we conclude in both directions: A few days ago we left a natural space better of how we found it and now we finish this visual piece. From handmade work to a digital design, from three-dimensional to two-dimensional space, from rough to clean.

Making of—

Art installation—